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  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • Legacy product - no abstract available

  • This Record describes all aspects of the Pumkuna copper-gold prospect, Bouganville Island.

  • This report refers to seismic work carried out in the Puri area of Papua by Seismograph Service Ltd. for Australasian Petroleum Co. Pty. Ltd. during the period 6th May - 15th December, 1959. The objective ofthe survey was to determine the structural pattern of the Tertiary limestones in order to define any closed structures that may have economic oil accumulations. Altogether some 75 miles of continuous reflection traverses were observed and also a single refraction in-line profile of two spreads. An anticlinal feature was observed along one line but as there was no evidence of any significant pitch reversal along the strike line it seems there is no structure worth drilling in the area south of the Puri and Kereru Anticlines. The overall quality of the reflection data was poor but was considered adequate to disprove the presence of any major closed structures.

  • Since the first visits by European explorers nearly five hundred years ago, the islands of New Guinea have been visited by explorers and scientists from many nations, including England, Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Russia, America, Japan, and Australia. Early contacts ranged from brief watering and careening stays to exploratory cruises charting shorelines. During the 19th century, when German and British colonial administrations were being established, exploration was carried out during border-demarcation surveys, by expeditions mounted specifically to explore the interior of the island, and by mission and administration patrols. Since late in the 19th century a considerable volume of information has been collected by scientific expeditions organized by overseas institutions or governments, by petroleum exploration groups, and by mineral prospecting and mining groups and individuals. In recent years many overseas mining and prospecting companies have been active. All these ventures have contributed to our knowledge of the geology and geomorphology of the island. At times the published written record of investigations has been fragmentary and obscure, at others comprehensive and readily available. It is the aim of this bibliography to bring together as much as possible of the published data in the fields of geology, geomorphology, and pedology. For practical reasons the scope of its coverage has been limited to that part of the island system east of meridian 141 °E. West of this meridian is Irian Jaya; east of it are New Guinea and the neighbouring islands. Current official place names have been used throughout the text.

  • Legacy product - no abstract available